This spin-off, tells the adventures of the young sailor Don Gonzalo Pedrera, aka The Raven, when he left Spain in the early 16th century. This character will later become the Corregidor (mayor) of the Port of Villavaca, on the shores of the South Pacific where he will meet Alvar and join him as a good friend through many wanderings. The series begins when The Raven rescues a Chinese sailor who, before dying, gives him an old map of the year 1420 belonging to Admiral Zheng He, which leads to a promised land: Fousang (America).
Alvar Las Américas es un proyecto transmedia. Si querés conocer más te invitamos a explorar.
Alvar Mayor es un viajero infatigable.
Hijo mestizo del capitán Mayor, cartógrafo de Pizarro.
Vive de sus servicios como guía en tierras americanas.
Conduce a quien pague su precio por las inmensidades de un continente desconocido y maravilloso a buscadores de tesoros, conquistadores, aventureros y prófugos de la ley.
Gentes de toda calaña en la América del siglo XVI.
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